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Topics . . . 

The Holy Qur'an

Part I
Fiqh Akbar (Faith and Belief):

The Sunni School of Law (commonly known as Ahle-Sunnat-wal-Jamat)
The Shi'ah School of Law
The Nation of Islam
The Qadiani Movement
The Wahhibiyah School of Law
Comparative Studies

Part II
Fiqh Ausath (mundane and spiritual acts):

Dealing with the Esoteric/Inner Dimension of Islam
The Spiritual Domain

Part III
Fiqh Asghar (worship and devotional practices):

General Essays on Islam
The holy Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h.
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Hadrat Ali, r.a.
... and a Companion
Imam Husain, r.a.
Usul al Fiqh al Islam
The Humanitarian Domain  (Human Rights, Tolerance & International Law)
Terrorism and the September 11, 2001 Tragedy

A General Picture of Islam (This section is great for beginners)

The Five Pillars of Islam

Anatomy of Islam - A Systematic Dissection
Muslim Life from the Cradle to the Grave
The Belief System of Islam
The Exoteric System of Islam
The Esoteric/Spiritual System of Islam
The Philosophy of Islam
The Psychological Aspects of Islam
The Judicial and Legal System of Islam
Muslim International Law
The Political System of Islam
The Economic System of Islam
The Social System of Islam
The Cultural Side of Islam

Family Affairs
The Woman's Domain
Family Matters
Family Law (Our Campaign for Recognition of Muslim Personal Law)
The Islamic Institute of Civil Justice

General Essays, Discourses, Current Issues & Miscellany
Muslim Rituals and Observances
Muslim Rituals and Observances ~ Hanafi Fiqh
General Islamic Issues
What is and what is not Bid'a (Innovation)? -- Myths and Reality
About Us
Numbers, Numbers and More Numbers . . . 
Etcetera . . .
Articles in the Urdu Language

About this website . . .

The Canadian Society of Muslims, al hamdu li Allah, operates two Internet sites and these websites encompass a great deal of material which fall into three distinct categories of law. On this website we will follow this traditional method for classifying knowledge:

 Part I Fiqh Akbar / Fiqh Awwal - consists of Aqaid (faith and belief)
 Part II Fiqh Ausath / Fiqh Duwwam - consists of all mundane as well as spiritual acts.
 Part III Fiqh Asghar / al-Akhir - consists of worship (Ibadat) and other devotional practices.

It is important to note that the second category of Fiqh Ausath (Sufism) is the most important category in terms of the quality of one's devotions. The achievement of ever-increasing levels of purity and sincerity and hence acceptance by Allah, depends entirely upon the level and quality of sincerity and the purpose behind one's acts. If one does not comply with the requirements of Fiqh Ausath, those acts will not qualify for divine acceptance or reward because insincere actions are hypocritical and are consequently unworthy of divine reward. The Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. has said, "[there are] two qualities [which] the hypocrite lacks - good intentions and religious insight." Fiqh Ausath covers both of these aspects: i)  sincerity of intention (Ikhlas) and, ii) religious insight (the esoteric knowledge of Ihsan [authentic sufism, or tasawwuf ]) Therefore, to be of any real benefit, Fiqh Akbar and Fiqh Asghar must comply with Fiqh Ausath. The Hadith literature (traditions of the Prophet p.b.u.h.) have established the dictum of law which states, actions are judged by (or are dependant upon) motivation and intention,” and also, “God looks not at your figures (or faces) and He looks not at your wealth, but He does look at your hearts and your deeds.” (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)

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     (Note: a few key articles included in this list are from our other two websites, 
     and also  some articles are cross-referenced)

The Holy Qur'an

The Meanings of the Holy Qur'an by Yusuf Ali (230 pages - bookmarked in Acrobat pdf)
The Meanings of the Holy Qur'an by Marmaduke Pickthall (209 pages - bookmarked in Acrobat pdf)
On The Quran
The Interpretation of the Qur'an
The Inspiration of the Qur'an
The Collation of the Qur'an
The Division of the Qur'an
The The Opinions of European Writers on the Qur’an
The Message of the Qur'an an abridged translation of the Holy Qur'an by Athar Husain -- Excellent!
What the Quran Has to Say About Itself
Other Miracles of the Quran
Science and Esoteric Knowledge
Attestation of Scientific data in the Quran by Modern Research and Discoveries
There is no other work in the world which has remained so pure and pristine for 14 centuries This is how the Qur'an and the Hadith were preserved (in pdf)
History of the Quran
Fiqh Akbar / Fiqh Awwal
(The Great Jurisprudence / The First Jurisprudence)
Dealing with Faith and Belief

The Sunni School of Law (commonly known as Ahle-Sunnat-wal-Jamat)
(We adhere to this Sunni School of Law -- we follow the Hanafi Madhab)

Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar  -- by Imam Abu Hanifah   (in pdf)
Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar -- by Imam Abu Hanifah (ARABIC TEXT)
Aqidah al-Tahawiyya  articles of faith/spiritual convictions by Imam Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi al-Hanafi (
Imam Abu Hanifah -- His Life and Work  (in pdf)
Abu Hanifah's Contribution to Jurisprudence & IIjtihad  to come insha Allah
My Love and My Choice (from "The Supreme Sunni Way of Life and the Honourable Hanafi School of Law" and Beliefs and Kalam from Sirat-al-Numan and also "Beliefs and Kalam")   (in pdf)
The Aqida of Imam al-Haddad
Photo of Maulana Shibli Nu'mani (r.a.) - author of Sirat-al-Numan
The Shafi'i School of Fiqh
The Contribution of Imam al-Shafi'i
The Maliki School of Fiqh
The Hanbali School of Fiqh
The Shi'ah School of Law
The Shi'ah - A General Exposé  (in pdf)
The Nation of Islam
A Century of Islam in America  (in pdf)
The Qadiani Movement
Some Reflections on the Ahmadiya / Qadiani Movement - by a prominent Muslim Scholar   (in pdf)
The Wahhibiyah School of Law
How to give yourself a 'Spiritual'  Heart Attack
What to do when you suffer from a 'Spiritual' Cardiac Arrest
Who or what is a Salafi? Is their approach valid? by Nuh Ha Mim Keller (External Link)
Some Reflections on the Wahhabiyah Movement  (in pdf)
Islamic Spirituality - the forgotten revolution
Radical Salafism: Osama's ideology
Comparative Studies
Marxism, Fascism,  the Welfare State and Islam   (in pdf)
The Trinity - a Muslim Perspective by Abdal Hakim Murad (External Link)
Comparisons between Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam  (in pdf)
Islam - the Religion of Love (also discusses Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity)
Islam and Christianity (Similarities and Differences) -- In simple point by point, easy-to-follow chart form (inpdf)
Law and Islam (in pdf 23 pages)
Waiting For Jesus Good Tidings that are Awaited by both Christians and Muslims
Christianity and Islam -- No More Difference than a Twig
Fiqh Ausath / Fiqh Duwwam
(The Central Jurisprudence / The Second Jurisprudence)
also known as Tasawwuf or Islamic Mysticism or Sufism

Dealing with the Esoteric/Inner Dimension of Islam

The Spiritual Domain
Sufism: The Muslim Universal Way - by Akbar S. Ahmed (in pdf)
The Quranic Roots of Sufism - from the book "The Quranic Sufism" by Mir Vali-ud-din (in pdf)
The Cultivation of Spiritual life (in pdf)
A heart to heart talk (Part 1) (in pdf)
A heart to heart talk (Part 2) (in pdf)
An Introduction to Sufism -- excellent! (in pdf)
The Path of Tasawwuf  (in pdf)
The Place of Tasawwuf in Traditional Islam by Nuh Ha Mim Keller (External Link)
The Four Stages of Tazkiya (purification of the soul)  (in pdf)
Love and Hate -- Purely for the sake of Allah S.W.T.   (in pdf)
Sama (Mystical Music/Qawwali)   (in pdf)
Sama -- Listening to Music
Is Qawwali Considered Music?
Sufism -- The Spiritual Culture of Islam   (in pdf)
A response  to the claim that Sufism is Bid'a (External Link)
Adab: The Courtesy of the Path   (in pdf)
Quranic Sufism: The Sunnah ~ The Soul of Sufism  (in pdf)
The meaning of 'Traditions'   (in pdf)
Zikr -- The Remembrance of Allah   (in pdf)
Can Modern Physics Explain Wahdat-al-Wujud?
Science and Sufic Wahdat-ul-Wujud (Oneness of Being) 
Tawhid/Wahdat-al-Wujud  ~ oneness of Being, or oneness of Existence and the Christian Trinity
The Wahhabi who Loved Beauty (External Link)
Returning to the heart of Islam
The Spiritual Significance of Jihad by Seyyed Hossein Nasr (External Link) 
On Death and Dying (in pdf)
On Thankfulness (in pdf)
Islamic Mysticism (in pdf) by Mohammad Manzoor Nomani
The Shariah and the Awliya -- by Hadrat Abdul Qadir Gilani r.a.
On anger and other things 
Fiqh Asghar / Fiqh al-Akhir
(The Lesser Jurisprudence / The Last [or third] jurisprudence)
Also known as Ibadat
Dealing with the Exoteric or Outer Dimension of Islam

General Essays on Islam

The holy prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h.
The Prophet of Islam - His Biography -- by Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah (in pdf)
Description of the Prophet Muhammad -- by Athar Husain (inpdf)
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h. -- A Chronological Guide (in pdf)
Prophet Muhammad, pbuh  -- Some selected verses from the Holy Qur'an about his life, status, morals and manners
Milad-un-Nabi -- Includes a selection of the sayings of the Prophet p.b.u.h. (in pdf)
The Farewell Sermon of the holy Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h.   (in pdf)
Photo Gallery 
Selected Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. -- Alphabetically arranged by subject. (in pdf)
Mir'aj (in pdf)
In Search of the Prophet

The Four Caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Hadrat Ali r.a.
The Life of Hadrat Ali (in pdf  includes sayings in next article)
Ali During the Reign of Abu Bakr
Photograph of Hadrat Ali's Sword
Some Sayings of Abu Bakr r.a.
Some Sayings of Umar r.a.
Some Sayings of Uthman r.a.
Some Sayings of Hadrat Ali r.a. (pdf --sayings & similes only)
Ali / A'isha and The Battle of the Camel

... and a Companion

Mu'ad bin Jabal

Imam Husain, r.a.
The Martyrdom of Imam Husain, r.a. (in pdf)
The History of Imam Husain, r.a.  (in pdf)

Usul al Fiqh al Islam
The Sahabah (Companions) who gave Fatwa (legal rulings) during the Prophet's lifetime (External Link)

The Humanitarian Domain  (Human Rights, Tolerance & International Law)
The Islamic Charter of Humanity  ~ The Farewell Address of the holy Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. --includes an Analysis (in pdf)
Religious Human Rights in the Qur'an  (in pdf)
Human Rights in Islam
Tolerance in Islam - by Marmaduke Pickthall 
Intolerance of Islam  (in pdf)
The Salman Rushdie Affair and the Western Double Standard
A Case of Media Doublespeak: Israel wins war of words - the dangers of sloppy journalism
The Problems of Muslim Minorities You- by Akbar S. Ahmed (in pdf)
The Treatment of Minorities: The Islamic Model (inpdf)
Muslims in the West by Akbar S. Ahmed (in pdf)
The Status of Non-Muslims in Islam - with particular emphasis on how Islam provides for the complete religious, judicial, social and cultural independence/autonomy and equal status for non-Muslims  (in pdf)
Islamic Sprituality ~ the forgotten revolution 
When Corruption Prevails
The Media of Muslim-Bashing - a Linguistic Analysis
Muslims and Non-Muslims are equal and alike in worldly affairs 

Terrorism and the September 11, 2001 Tragedy
September 11, 2001 - various articles and news releases
The Taliban - Does the end justify the means? - a letter to the editor written before the Sept. 11 horror
Women and the Hijab in non-Muslim countries after the Sept.11 terrorist attack
Terrorism and Muslim Law - The case of Osama bin Laden's Fatwa
Everything in Moderation -- The Islamic way of life
Terrorism's Tragic Fallout
Say what you want but this war is illegal - by a Canadian lawyer
Making the World Safe for Terrorism - by Nuh Ha Mim Keller
A Time for Introspection - by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Reflections on Sept. 11
Secular vs Theocratic Governments - The Afghani Dilemma
Bloodshed Breeds Bloodshed -The President of the Canadian Society of Muslims is quoted in a newspaper article
Radical Salafism: Osama's ideology
The Sept.11 Aftermath  Muslim Bashing & islamophobia
Muslim Bashing - Fatalism - Jihad by Marmaduke Pickthall
Treatment of Prisoners of War Suggested Guidelines for the Americans
Moral Tensions Between Western and Islamic Cultures (External Link)
Does the Qur'an Sanction Violence?
Terrorism ~Islam's Viewpoint

A General Picture of Islam (this section is great for beginners)
Why the term "Allah" is used instead of "God"
Introducing Islam - a Beginners Guide to Islam
Yes We Believe -- some basic principles of Islam
What Islam has to offer the modern world
On the Islamic New Year
Why Islam? by a Canadian convert  . . .Twelve Hours Old  -  Canadian convert Dr. Katherine Bullock marvels at becoming a Muslim 
Muslims Immigrated to Canada Before Confederation  (in pdf)
Islam Described to Highschool Students
A Snapshot of Islam -- statistically speaking Islam- as defined in the Dictionary of Islam
A good general introduction of  Islam  (External Link)
An Introduction to Islam   (Excellent Introduction)  (in pdf)
Notes on Islam (Entire book - great for students)
Islam the Only Way  by Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
The Gist of Islam: The Heart of the Matter   (in pdf)
A Birds-eye View of Islam - a Lawyer's Perspective
Islam at a Glance:

Concept and Meaning
Fundamental Beliefs 
Religion and Politics 
Admission of the Unity of Prophethood
Islamic Law and Worship -- the Special Significance of the Pillars of islam
A Beginners Guide to Understanding Islam (in pdf)
General Information on Islam (External Link)
The Elementary Teachings of Islam (entire book)
A Micro History of Islam (in pdf - 6 pages)
Muslim Contributions to Science and Art (in pdf
Milad-un-Nabi ~ the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. (in pdf)
Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h.  ~ the liberator par excellence! (in pdf
      (also includes "Muhammad" A critique by Thomas Carlyle)
Selected Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. --Alphabetically arranged by subject. (in pdf)
Islam is ...  a short and comprehensive article on understanding Islam and its principles  (in pdf)
Everything in Moderation -- The Islamic way of life

The Five Pillars of Islam 
(More Details on Procedures and Practices etc.)
How to calculate zakat short form 
The Joys of Ramadan Fasting
The Spiritual and Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting
A Ramadan Speech [32 minutes]  F I X E D Oct. 15,2004

Anatomy of Islam - A Systemic Dissection - (a Deeper Picture)
Muslim Life from the Cradle to the Grave
The Pleasures of Health, the Joys of Illness, and the Delights of Longing to Meet My Maker (in pdf)
Explaining to Kids How and Why they Become Seriously Ill
Explaining Life and Death to Pre-schoolers
Causes of the Rise and Decline of Islam - by Marmaduke Pickthall (in pdf)
Highlights and Landmarks by Dr. M. Hamidullah -- excellent -- this is a large file (and will take 186.5 seconds to load with a 56.6 K modem or  373 seconds with a 28.8 K modem or 746 seconds with a 14 k modem) -- but worth the wait! (in pdf) Subjects include: 
Early Life
General Habits
Food and Drink
Dress and Coiffure
Service of Worship and Ablution
Direction of the Qibla - using a  map
Some Particularities
Difference of Schools
Service of Istikharah (Prayer for asking for guidance)
Disturbance in the Service
Funeral Service
Sickness and Travelling
Hours of Services (What are the prayer times?)
Why is the Service in Arabic?
Why a Purely Lunar Calendar?
Photos Illustrating Poses for the Service of Worship
Prayers in Abnormal Time Zones
On Satisfaction
The Belief System of Islam
The Islamic Creed  (in pdf)
Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar  -- by Imam Abu Hanifah   (in pdf)
The Six Articles of Faith Vary - they are not equal with each other in degrees of importance
Waiting For Jesus Good Tidings that are Awaited by both Christians and Muslims

The Exoteric System of Islam
Devotional Life and Religious Practices of Islam  (in pdf)
The Hajj ~ It's Rituals, Purpose, Inner Fitness and Spiritual Preparation (Includes photos) (in pdf)
Muslim Rituals and Observances
Worship under Islamic Law -- the Special Significance of the Pillars of islam

The Esoteric/Spiritual System of Islam
See Part II

The Philosophy of Islam
The Philosophical System of Islam - (in pdf)
A Comparative Study of Ideologies (in pdf)
Comparisons between Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam  (in pdf)
Is religion rational? Is it necessary?   (in pdf)
The Mystical Philosophy of Islam - Sufism
The Philosophy of War and Peace

The Psychological Aspects of Islam
Haya ~ A revolution in the psychology of moral self purification (Tazkiya) (in pdf)

The System of Morality in Islam
The System of Morality in Islam   (in pdf)

The Judicial and Legal System of Islam
Anatomy of Muslim Law
Sources of Muslim Law
Traditions of the Prophet as Legislative Base of Islam
Compilation of the Traditions and their Authenticity
Maulana Abul Hasan Ali in his Foreword to Maariful Hadith
Usul al Fiqh al Islam~ Source Methodology in Islamic Jurisprudence (External Links)

Chapter 1: Usul al Fiqh: Methodology for Research and Knowledge in Islamic Jurisprudence
Chapter 2: The Sahabah (Companions) who gave Fatawa during the Prophet's lifetime 
Chapter 3: Legislation After the Time of the Sahabah 
Chapter 4: Al Imam al Shafi'i 
Chapter 5: Usul al Fiqh After al Imam al Shafi'i
Chapter 6: Issues Related to Ijtihad
A Brief History of Mohammedan Law
The Judicial System of Islam  (in pdf)
Islamic Law -- Myths and Realities (in pdf)
Islamic Law and the Modern Age
Ijma & Ijtihad (Qiyas):The third and fourth source of Muslim Jurisprudence  (in pdf)
Ijtihad and Mujtahid by Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui (in pdf)
Ijma or Consensus of the Jurist's Opinions
Juristic Deduction
Issues Related to Ijtihad (External Link) 
What is Taqlid or Ittiba`? (External Link)
What is a Madhab? Why is it necessary to follow one? - by Nuh Ha Mim Keller 
Why Muslims follow Madhabs  (various schools of law) - by Nuh Ha Mim Keller 
Shaykh Murabtal Haaj’s Fatwa on Following One of the Four Accepted Madhhabs
Why the greater majority of Muslims prefer the Sunni-Hanafi Madhab (School of Law)
The Ethics of Disagreement in Islam (External Link)
The most developed Fiqh for Muslim minorities (External Link)
The Salman Rushdie Issue - A Synthesis of the Islamic Law of Apostasy and Blasphemy (in pdf)
Blasphemy in the Light of the Qur'an
Towards an Islamic Jurisprudence of the Environment (External Link)
Equality in Marriage (al-Kufv)  (in pdf)
Legal Issues relating to the Family
Women's Status in Islam   (in pdf)
Islamic Law and Worship -- the Special Significance of the Pillars of islam

Muslim International Law
Treatment of Prisoners of War - The Islamic Model
The Treatment of Minorities - The Islamic Model -The Law of Minorities (Fiqh Aqaliat) i.e.Muslims living in non-Muslim countries as minority group
Minority Living Part 2 of a Speech on Complementary Equanimity given by our President in 1992 
Mortgages & Interest Transactions ~ Implementaton of the Law suspended for Muslims in non-Muslim countries
The Legal Boundaries of Israel in International Law

The Political System of Islam
The Political System of Islam (in pdf
Islam and Democracy
The City of Islam by Marmaduke Pickthall (in pdf)
The Islamic Form of Government vs. Western Theistic or Secularistic Types of  Government
The Treatment of Minorities -The Islamic Model
Religion and Politics 
Corrupt Muslim Leaders: The Way Forward (Part 1 of 2)
Corrupt Muslim Leaders: (Part 2 of 2)

The Economic System of Islam
The Economic System of Islam by Dr. Hamidullah (in pdf)
Social Welfare: A Basic Islamic Value (Includes:Expenditures of State - Zakat)  (in pdf)
Mortgages and Interest Transactions ~ They are  HALAL (permissible/lawful) between a Muslim and a non-Muslim, provided that both parties live in a non-Muslim country! Here is why (in pdf)
Islamic Rules Concerning Financial Dealings

The Social System of Islam
Islamic Social Order

The Cultural Side of Islam
Islamic Culture (in pdf) by Marmaduke Pickthall
Is Islam Fatalistic?  Marmaduke Pickthall discusses this issue particularly in the context of Jihad (inpdf)
The Spiritual Culture of Islam  (in pdf)
Music is haram (forbidden)? Really?


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